Tuesday, June 20, 2006

i have nothing to write about.

I apologize.

I am too poor to critique soda and I am too skinny to go on a diet. Perhaps I should go find a random girl and convince her to have a baby with me.

Anything for my blog.

Thursday, June 15, 2006

a late-night rambling.

1. The act or practice of abstaining from or eating very little food.
2. A period of such abstention or self-denial.

Growing up in the church I would always feel conviction whenever I would hear this word. I have always been uneasy with the idea of giving up something that brings me great joy. Whether it be food, music, tv, sports, the computer, or even a relationship. Simply put, If something makes me happy, I want it in my life.

But lately I have been realizing that I have been investing way too much of my time in frivolous things that do not matter. My head is filled with useless knowledge that will never benefit me unless I happen to be playing a game of Trivial Pursuit or Scattergories. I need to start concentrating on what I believe and filling my head with that. And if it means giving some things up in the process, I will have to learn to let go. I dont really have much a choice.

Well, its past 4am and this might not make any sense.

I have to wake up in 3 hours because i am going to Rhode Island to spend the day with catherine and carla. Which definitely beats sitting around the house filling out job applications.

Wednesday, June 14, 2006


Every once and awhile the topic of my biggest fear will come up in conversation and I will usually say 2 things: spiders and the next 5 years of my life.

1. I think it's pretty safe to say that most people do not like spiders. Nothing to be ashamed about. I also hate bees, hornets, and wasps. Today a wasp got into my room and for atleast 10 minutes I stood there waiting for it to land on something so it could become acquainted with my shoe.

2. I won't always be afraid of the next 5 years of my life. Just at this moment in time where I have all these decisions to make which will dictate the rest of my life. I think I missed the memo that said being 21 was supposed to be fun. 22 should be more exciting.

All in all though-- I think my number one, all-time fear is going through everything alone.


I. am. afraid. of. never. getting. married.

So if you have been unable to make up your mind on what to get me for my 22nd birthday, now you know.

Saturday, June 10, 2006

movies i never normally wouldve watched.

Every once and awhile my mom will go through these stretches where she will buy the most random collection of used DVDs, which of course, she will never watch. And I will usually end up watching them almost out of pity. So the first 3 movies are used DVDs that my mom bought and the last 2 are movies that I had to watch because of Nicki.


Very well acted, but I honestly could not get over Capote's irritating voice and blatant homosexuality. Even if you were to subtract those two elements, the storyline still wasn't very interesting and I fell asleep watching it twice. Overrated and only won so many awards because of Phillip Seymour Hoffman's portrayel of a crazy gay writer.

In Good Company

I like Topher Grace because of That 70's Show, but still hasn't really impressed me in any movies. Scarlett Johansson is very attractive, but the masculinity of her character subtracts from that. Every Dennis Quaid movie nowadays seems to center around a middle-aged guy past his prime with something to prove. One of those movies that you'll watch with a group of people and forget about the next day.

Yours, Mine and Ours

I think my mom might have a crush on Dennis Quaid. I still cannot believe that my boredom ever reached this level. For it's corniness made me want to throw my laptop against the wall. There is absolutely no way that a mom with 4 of her own kids would be allowed to adopt 6 more. About half-way through I stopped watching it and started talking to people online while it was still playing in the background. I dont think I missed much.

Memoirs of a Geisha

Unless it won the "Most Entertaining Movie For 21 Year Old Men" award, Im sure it deserved every award it received. You know that if you ever check to see how long a movie is, just 10 minutes into it, you are in trouble. Simply put, intellectual chick-flicks are just not my type of movies.

The Secret Window

Saying I watched this would be a lie because I was asleep for most of it. So instead of critiquing the movie, I will critique Johnny Depp. What is the big deal? He seemingly does not shower. He has crazy facial hair. He dresses like a crumbum. Plays a messed-up creep in every movie he is in. And yet, the ladies love him. This will never make sense to me.

Thursday, June 08, 2006

why you should always obey the law.

About 8 months ago, during one of my many excursions to and from Rhode Island, I got pulled over in Massachusetts for going 75 in a 65.

I thought for sure it would just be a warning, because my record was clean and only old ladies in Beetles dont drive atleast 10 over on I-95. Well of course I got a $75 ticket and had a month to pay it.

2 months later...


I completely forgot about it.

Now, in addition to the original ticket, I had to pay $100 for a late fee, plus an additional $150 to reinstate my license and registration.

Money I just did not have at the time.

So for awhile I drove without a valid license or registration, because I didnt really have much of a choice. Don't judge me.

While in the process of raising the money to pay all this, I got pulled over on the way to work because of my registration and had to get my car towed.

Another ticket = More money + $200 to get my car out of the impound.

Eventually I had everything paid off except for the $150 ticket I got for driving an unregistered car.

WELL. Today I tried paying that and now they are telling me I have to pay some fine to Massachusetts because that is where I got the original ticket.

All this because of driving 10 over on I-95.

And of course my being a retard didn't help matters

Friday, June 02, 2006


I was almost out the door when I received a call.

"Hey Mike. Its Rob."

[I dont know any Robs.]

"You are scheduled to work today from 12-6, but we overscheduled and need to cut some hours."

"Do you guys smoke crack when you make the schedules?"

Ok. I didnt really say that, but I should have.

back to Dick's i go.

Well, after an extended break from the cesspool that is retail, I will be working tomorrow from 12-6.

It was nice being able to use my brain for a couple of weeks.

I am still actively looking for a fulltime job with set hours during the day, so if you hear or see anything, let me know.

some jobs i won't do:
1. door-to-door vaccum salesman.
2. overnight frozen foods stocker for wal-mart.
3. nursing home maintenance/ old man pants puller-upper.
4. anything that involves food.
5. dick's sporting goods associate.

Thursday, June 01, 2006

3 albums you need to listen to.

Jimmy Eat World - "Clarity"

Most people are not familiar with their earlier stuff, but they were clearly ahead of their time. Regarded as the quintessential emo album, this CD often goes unnoticed because it was never on the radio. I was introduced to them in 2001 and have probably listened to "Clarity" atleast 500,000 times since then. If for whatever reason, I was only allowed one album to listen to for the rest of my life, I wouldn't even have to think about it. I am fully confident, at the risk of appearing somewhat cynical, in my affirmation that Jimmy Eat World will never succeed in surpassing Clarity's brilliance with any future efforts, however genuine. They were dropped from Capitol Records due to poor record sales, and have since been signed to interscope records where they have blossomed into a pop-band. Lacking the substance and brilliance they once had, but are now selling records and receiving the recognition they should have received 7 years ago.

Brandtson - "Fallen Star Collection"

Another band that has unfortunately fallen prey to mainstream pop-music. This album also came out 7 years ago, was ahead of it's time and really sounds nothing like their current stuff. From start to finish, every song seems to hit a different chord in my life. I had a tough time deciding on just one Brandtson album because they are all very good with the exception of the latest one. Just do yourself a favor and listen to this atleast once before your time here on earth has passed.

Elliott - "False Cathedrals"

Elliott broke up a few years ago and weren't together long enough to make crappy pop-music. Another album that seemingly suffered from poor marketing. I had never heard anything like it, and still could not compare it to anything I have heard since. The perfect CD to listen to on a long car ride, it will put you through somewhat of an emotional/intellectual trance. This CD has gotten me through numerous trips from Providence to NH and NH to Providence. I honestly had a difficult time getting into it at first, but over time it has risen among my all-time favorites. And they are Christian too, so you really can't go wrong.
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