Thursday, April 27, 2006

heeeey... you...

Since I started working at DICKs last month, I have seen numerous people from my past.

Old friends, old acquaintences, mothers of old friends, old coaches, old teachers...

Today I saw a girl I graduated High School with.

Once the best looking girl in the school.
Now a hideous monstrosity.

What kind of lifestyle must one live to degress so drastically in just 4 years.

One presidential term.
Three Patriots Superbowls.
Eight semesters of college.

What happened?

Maybe she had 4 sets of twins.
Maybe she works at a grease factory.
Maybe she joined a roller derby team.

Some things are better left unknown.

In other news: American Inventor has become unbearably sappy the last few weeks. But Im still watching it because the Red Sox are losing 11-3.

Monday, April 24, 2006

hey noodle arms.

well we had our first softball practice yesterday and my shoulder isnt killing me, so thats a good sign.

but everything else hurts.

whenever i feel like this i worry about being one of those 40 year-old guys who cant do anything without pulling or tearing something. plus, i only hit the ball out of the infield a few times.

so i think i need to get a membership to a gym.

or find sources on the inside.

Friday, April 21, 2006

cheer if you want this crappy vhs tape from 1999!

last night i went to a youth convention service because i had some friends from school there.

i think its insane how much crap gets thrown at the kids.

and i dont mean that metaphorically.

cds, cassettes, vhs tapes, posters...

and they arent new or popular, which leads me to believe that some youth pastor was using this as an excuse to clean out his closet.

and yet, the kids still attack the random crap with everything they have.

as if they all have been infected with a deadly virus and their only chance for survival is catching the antidote being thrown into the crowd.

and prior to all this, they had these two large, frisbee-type toys that were being thrown around.

i thought i saw two kids get decapitated but i wasnt sure. it was pretty dark.

Tuesday, April 11, 2006


who are the ad-wizards who came up with this one?

coffee doesnt belong in coke.

i dont know what i possibly could have been expecting.

i dont even like coffee.

worst $5.99 i have ever spent.

youre supposed to dodge the ball.

anyone hear about that youth pastor who took a game of dodgeball a little too seriously?

i guess he got hit in the face. was ticked because he forgot the objective of dodgeball. pushed the teen down and then proceeded to kick him in the groin.

is it really the kids fault that you suck at dodgeball?

i tried finding a picture of the guy online because i have an image conjured up in my mind and im sure its very accurate, but i was unsuccessful.

im sure he looks a little something like this.

well, needless to say he needs to find a new line of work.

i suggest ultimate fighting.
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