Saturday, March 31, 2007

my mom's side of the family.

somewhat normal.

Friday, March 30, 2007


i got a job at AT&T.

helping people get passports.

i start training on april 9th.


tuesday through saturday.


pretty cool.

i hope i dont hate it.

but even if i do, that's a lot of money.

especially for someone who lives at home and has no car payments.

Monday, March 26, 2007

why we should all own cellphones.

conveniently, my mother's flight from Florida was scheduled to arrive 10 minutes after my flight from Georgia. the master plan was to meet each other at the baggage claim and take the bus to portsmouth. brilliant.

neither of us currently have active cellphones, but i didn't worry.

"everything will be fine," i would say.

3:15pm--- 3 flights and 8 hours later-- i arrived safely and promptly at logan airport. proceeded to claim the nearly dilapidated adidas bag my sister let me borrow. sat outside near the bus stop and was ready to go home.

5:15pm--- i began to worry.

either she couldn't find me or something went wrong with her flight. i had no way of knowing and she had no way of contacting me.

[it began to snow.]

5:45pm---i decided to get on the next bus with the hopes that she couldn't find me and would be waiting at the bus station with open arms.

[we don't really hug in my family.]

7:30pm---i arrive in Portsmouth. no sight of my mom. i then walk a mile to the van, knowing the doors will be locked. they are.

for the next couple of hours i called every number i could remember. only my sister answered and she was "in the middle of a movie".

[i wasn't happy with that response.]

i accepted my fate. unpacked my stuff. and decorated the bus station according to my style.

12:15am--- my mom finally shows up. i dont say anything. i just shake my head. we both know what each other is thinking.

"what a horrible effing plan."

they got a flat tire on the way to the airport and missed their flight. i was in Boston for 2 hours when they finally got on a plane.

all in all though, i had a really great time and am pretty sad to be back home.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007


within the hour i will be departing for the 20+ hour car ride.

my music, dvds, and books are all ready to go. i hope to watch the entire 3rd season of Arrested Development and barring any car-sickness, read a couple hundred pages of What is the What.

due to time restraints it might not be possible, but there is a minute chance that i will get to check out Full Sail-- a school in Florida i have considered going to ever since i graduated from high school.


i have to go.

take it sleazy.

Monday, March 19, 2007

more fun with cats.

since my mom is in Florida for the week, i have been given the unfortunate responsibility of taking care of her cat, Weezy. Named appropriately after the late Weezy Jefferson.

well, much to my dismay, my mom neglected to clean the litter box before she left. it was already getting out-of-control, so i did what any normal human-being would've done. i tried flushing it down the toilet.

also to my dismay, kitty litter does not flush very well.

one overflowed toilet and a few towels later, i was still left with a wildly out-of-control litter box.

luckily, i am leaving on wednesday to drive a housebroken, yet more disheveled animal back to college in Georgia.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

why don't cats ever throw up during the day?

when the lights are on?

when im not barefoot?

Friday, March 09, 2007

ann veal on american idol?


Tuesday, March 06, 2007


an exhaustingly long 2 hours and 45 minutes.

surprisingly, i managed to stay awake throughout the entire film. probably thanks to the 2 daytime tylenol cold pills i took moments before.

this morning it had an 8.3 at IMDb.
tonight it has an 8.1.

i think some people must've voted after watching the trailer. and now that they've actually seen it in it's entirety they're realizing that, "Holy crap. This movie is boring."

it had more to do with how the case had enveloped and took over the lives of those involved with the investigation, rather than the actual investigation. this was disappointing. however, the acting was great and it will probably win a lot of awards.

and i didnt think it was him, but Minkus from Boy Meets World gets killed in the first 10 minutes.

Saturday, March 03, 2007

if you would like to know what i've been up to for the past 6 months, you can go here and here.
i am going to start using this again.

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