Every once and awhile the topic of my biggest fear will come up in conversation and I will usually say 2 things: spiders and the next 5 years of my life.
1. I think it's pretty safe to say that most people do not like spiders. Nothing to be ashamed about. I also hate bees, hornets, and wasps. Today a wasp got into my room and for atleast 10 minutes I stood there waiting for it to land on something so it could become acquainted with my shoe.
2. I won't always be afraid of the next 5 years of my life. Just at this moment in time where I have all these decisions to make which will dictate the rest of my life. I think I missed the memo that said being 21 was supposed to be fun. 22 should be more exciting.
All in all though-- I think my number one, all-time fear is going through everything alone.
I. am. afraid. of. never. getting. married.
So if you have been unable to make up your mind on what to get me for my 22nd birthday, now you know.
1. I think it's pretty safe to say that most people do not like spiders. Nothing to be ashamed about. I also hate bees, hornets, and wasps. Today a wasp got into my room and for atleast 10 minutes I stood there waiting for it to land on something so it could become acquainted with my shoe.
2. I won't always be afraid of the next 5 years of my life. Just at this moment in time where I have all these decisions to make which will dictate the rest of my life. I think I missed the memo that said being 21 was supposed to be fun. 22 should be more exciting.
All in all though-- I think my number one, all-time fear is going through everything alone.
I. am. afraid. of. never. getting. married.
So if you have been unable to make up your mind on what to get me for my 22nd birthday, now you know.
I remember having the same fear when I was your age. Especially given that your brother, Big A, and pretty much every other guy I knew was getting married at that time. Older people told me not to worry, to enjoy the freedom, and work on myself. It was hard to believe them, but in hind sight the advice I received was spot on.
im sure i will eventually get married.
its just that thought of "yeah, but what if i dont" that really scares the crap out of me.
and i definitely dont want to settle for the sake of getting married and having children.
I certainly don't love them, but I actually don't mind spiders - I would even go as far as letting one on me if it was in controlled conditions, eg; was a slow moving spider belonging to a zookeeper who knew exactly what he was doing. Now, cockaroaches...that's an entirely different story. Maybe that's also why I don't mind spiders, they EAT cockaroaches.
Anyway, Rob's EXACTLY right.
And I think everyone has the fear of never finding their soul mate (including myself, for the second time around) - no one likes to be lonely.
Although I can hardly say I know you, you come across as being intelligent, witty and definately not bad looking. And who can forget that cute butt in those baseball pants?! Take my word for it when I say that there are millions of girls out there that will love you for those qualities along with all your endearing quirks which I don't know about that make you who you are.
Besides, out of all the many blogs I read, yours is the one who's author I most feel like hugging. If you can affect a female that way just through what you write, then I can only imagine what you can do to some unsuspecting girl's heart when you are there in person.
So, don't be scared. Just concentrate on doing the things you enjoy and making yourself the best that you can be, 'cause one day, without a doubt, you are going to be the man of a very lucky girl's dreams.
thanks for that response.
maybe ill write a blog listing all the things that are wrong with me.
You know, everyone has stuff that's wrong with them. But if you don't start by loving yourself, how's anyone else gonna see that you are loveable?
thanks dr. skape7.
i love myself.
i was just kidding about making a list.
'fraid that's one of my little quirks - if I think someone's unhappy, I just can't help myself, I wanna make it all better.
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