Thursday, February 14, 2008

valentine's day rant.

today at work, i overheard a homely female employee voicing her hatred for Valentine's Day to another homely female employee and it got me thinking.

i think it's ridiculous whenever girls say they hate valentine's day because of the commercialization of the occasion. how it's nothing but a conspiracy that the card companies, chocolate factories, and teddy bear stuffers are all behind.

"I'm not gonna let them deceive me," they say. "I'm too smart to buy into that."

listen. all holidays are commercialized. unless you boycott every major holiday, why should anyone take your principles seriously? rarely do you ever hear a girl complain about Christmas - the most over-commercialized holiday.

embrace it. the odds are good that someday you'll eventually have a boyfriend on Valentine's Day and you'll want to go out, but he won't take you out, because youll be too afraid to admit that you want to be taken out. so be honest. get it off your chest. once and for all. you hate valentine's day because of all the acne years you spent alone in your room while all your attractive friends were holding hands at the mall.

so this Valentine's Day. I challenge you. all lonely and bitter single girls. when you put up your sad away message tonight.

just copy and paste this:

"alone again. on valentine's day. not because of the commercialization, but because im socially awkward and unappealing to the opposite sex. new episode of LOST tonight though. pretty excited about that."
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